When you are wanting to host a few people, or several couples -and your home won't accommodate it; or your CEO wants to throw a surprise party for one of your employees and put you in charge, Brookside's Community Room is the consummate venue. Beautiful. Luxurious. Relaxing. Classy.
For many types of special occasions...
From wedding receptions and birthday parties to victory celebrations for sporting events and high level client meetings, the convenient entrances to the plethora of free parking just makes the Community Room -inside and out, THE PERFECT option.
For many types of special occasions...
From wedding receptions and birthday parties to victory celebrations for sporting events and high level client meetings, the convenient entrances to the plethora of free parking just makes the Community Room -inside and out, THE PERFECT option.
Full Day: $300
1/2 Day: $200
Kitchen Usage: $50
Multi-Media Equipment: $50
Our goal is not only excellence to our residents, but to family members and friends, and residents of Overbrook -and beyond. Brookside's Community Room is another way we proactively extend our stellar customer service.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your special events. We always look forward to serving you.
For more information, please contact:
Carol Anno @
Carol Anno @